Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly, & Cheese Puffs
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Peanut Butter, Grape Jelly, & Cheese Puffs

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We agree. This sounds ridiculous, but Channing Tatum claimed that it was his favorite sandwich, so we had to give it a try and... It's sort of awesome. Crunchy and tangy with a whip of sweetness from the grape jam, it might not be the first sandwich on our list of best things in the world, but it might be second.

"What's the first?" you ask? Well, honestly we don't know, but we don't want to definitively call this one the best because that leaves us no room to change our mind. Many of us here at HomePlate are honestly fans of the very basic creamy peanut butter and strawberry jelly on white bread, but others say that strawberry is the worst jam there is and raspberry is the only way to go. Others here are living a keto life and think that the only way to go is straight up on a banana or just right off a spoon, but that isn't a sandwich, so it doesn't count. We have a few weirdos in the office who like the sweet and savory combo of peanut butter with crispy bacon and there was even one joker who claimed to think the best sandwich ever was this spicy sriracha and peanut butter with cucumbers sandwich. We fired that person for obvious reasons. I mean, sure, that might be good, but best? Come on. 

peanut butter grape jelly cheeto sandwich channing tatum


  • HomePlate Peanut Butter
  • Grape jelly of your choice
  • Cheese puffs
  • A couple pieces of bread (sourdough is a good choice)


  • Spread some creamy peanut butter onto one slice of bread.
  • Liberally spread grape jelly on another slice (Channing likes it goopy).
  • Sprinkle some Cheetos on top.
  • Stack the bread slices into a sandwich.
  • Do 100 situps (gotta keep those abs in line!).
  • Take a photo for the gram and tag @homeplatepb
  • Be sure to tag Channing Tatum
  • Take a bite.
  • Do 50 pushups.
  • Take another bite.
  • Realize you are never going to be Channing Tatum.
  • Finish the sandwich while watching one of his many films.


Be sure to use HomePlate Peanut Butter for your sandwich as it is gluten free, protein rich, low in sugar (keto friendly!) and contains no hydrogenated oil or high fructose corn syrup! Also it's really, really good. 

